Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Personal Experiment

I have been working for nearly 19 years in public relations – at small firms, mid-size firms and for the past 11 plus years at a really really big firm!  I recently decided to drop out of the rat race, quit my job and focus on myself. I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic husband, Mike, who is supporting me in my adventuresome quest to find more balance, fun and eventually a job about which I can be just a little more passionate.
When I made this decision, I jotted down a list of goals I wanted to accomplish as part of this next chapter of my life. To keep myself honest, I’m chronicling my misadventures on this blog and sharing my list (which, of course, is always subject to change) here:
-          Focus on family and friends
-          Workout regularly and get back in shape
-          Cook more
-          Travel
-          Give back to the community
-          Garden
-          Join a golf or tennis league
-           Learn something new (I’m thinking about French or Italian. Any other thoughts?)
-          Check off a few items on our long, long, long list of home improvements
I have six days left at my job – not that I’m counting down or anything – and then the great experiment of reinventing Mia officially begins!